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Did the kraken exist? There are no possible fossils because the squid’s body is soft and alkaline. That’s why this is Krakken, with a double K, referring to the Nikken filter, the petrosexoracial* society’s promise of alkaline water to neutralize the body’s acidity levels, within reach, yet another myth. The closest thing to evidence of the Kraken’s existence is a strange scene at Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park in Nevada. Mark McMenamin, a scientist, claims that in 2011 he found the proof. A cavern with marks from the suction cups of a giant mollusk. Additionally, a group of reptile bones arranged in a way that resembles the pattern of said sucker discs. The story told by these remains is that of a giant kraken that, after having eliminated enormous swimming predator reptiles, decides to make a self-portrait with its bones: the oldest known self-portrait.

*"petro-sexo-racial" in reference to "petro-sexo-racial capitalism” (ecosystem destruction, sexual and racial violence, fossil fuel consumption and industrial carnivorism) mentioned by Paul B. Preciado, in Dysphoria mundi (Editions Grasset, 2022).

Silicone, metal and tempered glass (Silicón, metal y vidrio templado)
120 x 60 x 12 cm
47 1/4 x 23 5/8 x 4 3/4 inch